
013Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Spanish

Cuidado de niños enfermos

Es un servicio al que pueden acceder en caso de tener dificultades de cuidar de su niño/a enfermo/a sea por trabajo o al...
013Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Spanish

Exterminemos el panal de abejas cuanto antes

El panal de abejas crece rápidamente.
012Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Simplified Chinese characters

Childcare for sick children

A system that can be used when a child is ill, due to unforeseen circumstances, or when the child is under nursing care. The hospital's medical facilities are designed to provide childcare services for sick children, and to provide childcare services during the early stages of childhood illness. Usage fee is 1 yuan per day. For more information see Yokohama city page. Simple tomorrow English Chinese Simple Chinese Traditional Chinese (machine translation) Japanese Western...
012Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Simplified Chinese characters


The bees are happy to work. As a result, when the bee is running, it is convenient to reduce the risk of danger and to eliminate the cost. The bee is from April to June, starting in Chikuba, the main point is Ichishita Fusako. It is easy to see the area of ​​Chikhuan, the sky board, the middle of the wall (limited to the limit of the bee), the wood-dong village* (the limit of the bee).・Main plate...
011Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」English

Childcare for sick children

This service can be used when a child is sick but childcare is difficult to arrange due to work or other commitments. Yo...
011Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」English

Beehive: Find and Remove in the Early Stage

Beehives quickly grow to a large size. The bigger a beehive gets, the greater the effort, danger and cost required to re...
014Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Easy Japanese

Childcare for sick children

You can use this service when you are unable to care for a sick child due to work commitments. There are nurses and childcare workers in nursery rooms such as hospitals. The usage fee is 2,000 yen per day. Azukaru...
014Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Easy Japanese

Get rid of beehives as soon as possible

If you are stung by a bee, the pain can be severe and cause severe swelling. Hornets are extremely dangerous, so please contact your local ward office for advice. *Exterminate the bees ⇒ Kill the bees with medicine, etc., and clean up the nest...
013Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Spanish

Modo de sacar la basura y los recursos en la ciudad de Yokohama

〇"MIctionary" "MIctionary"
013Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Spanish

Pago de impuestos al Bien Inmueble y Planificación Urbanística

〇¿ Qué el impuesto al Bien Inmueble?Es el impuesto que deben pagar aquellas personas que al 1 de enero de cada año pos...