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La Plaza Local de Cuidados o CHIIKI KEA PURAZA

La Plaza Local de Cuidados o CHIIKI KEA PURAZA, es una instalación original de la Ciudad de Yokohama, que es el punto de...
013Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Spanish

Estar preparados para los desastres por vientos e inundaciones

012Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Simplified Chinese characters

Regional care square (community care plaza)

The district policy is to provide a safe environment for all people, including high school students, children, and people with disabilities, to provide personal welfare for workers, and to provide various measures for the operation of the health base, all of which are uniquely designed by Yokohama City. Who can use the capital? 〇 Participating volunteer activities 〇 Activities to obtain activities and provision of district information 〇 Participating in welfare and health services 〇...
014Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Easy Japanese

Local (chiiki) care plaza

In Yokohama City, Yokohama City, there is a facility called Community Care Plaza. He created Yokohama City in Yokohama City so that the elderly, children, and people with disabilities and disabilities can live a safe and healthy life. Welfare Fukushiya Health...
011Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」English

Preparing for Water Disasters

Japan often experiences heavy rainfall as rainy season fronts and autumn rain fronts become stagnant during the change o...
014Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Easy Japanese

Preparations for storm and flood damage

In Japan, when the seasons change, the rainy season front* and the autumn rain front* often remain just above the surface of Japan for long periods of time. At times like that, there are heavy rains and long rains...
012Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Simplified Chinese characters

wind and water damage

In Japan, the rainy season changes during the rainy season, the rainy season and the autumn rainy season, and the rainy season is always heavy. Also, from July to October, many Japanese Taiwanese winds approached. In Japan, the statues were created on the surface of Mt. Pei, in the face of Taiwan, and every year, rivers and rocks were destroyed, mud and stones were destroyed, and the lives of our people were destroyed. We have wind and water damage protection...
011Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」English

Community Care Plaza

Community Care Plazas are Yokohama City's own facilities that serve as familiar welfare and healthcare centers for the e...
013Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Spanish

Salons de Intercambio Internacional de la Ciudad de Yokohama

Los Salones de Intercambio Internacional en la Ciudad de Yokohama son instalaciones que cada distrito ofrece para el apo...
013Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Spanish

Los extranjeros también tienen que incribirse al Sistema Nacional de Pensión

(Las personas que están inscritos en el Sistema de Pensión de Bienestar del Empleado, no requieren) El Sistema Nacional ...