
013Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Spanish

Informacion sobre la vacunación preventiva

Puede constatar en multilingüe, el cronograma de vacunación preventiva que pueden recibir en Japón. El cronograma public...
013Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Spanish

Declaración de impuestos ciudadano y prefectural

Los impuestos ciudadano y prefectural a pagar en el año 2022 se calculan en base a los ingresos obtenidos desde el 1 de ...
012Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Simplified Chinese characters

Information about vaccination

It is confirmed that there are various types of travel dates available in Japan, and various languages ​​can be spoken in Japan. The current public timetable is April 2021 edition. Available in May, April 4 edition. Therefore, human verification is necessary. 〇Advanced access timetable (NPO corporation understanding VPD protection first generation association's network) English, Chinese, Indian and Spanish languages, and Western languages...
012Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Simplified Chinese characters

Declared Municipal Tax/Inhabitant Tax

2022 municipal tax/resident tax is 针对2021 year income progress tax from January 1, 1 to December 2021, 12. Therefore, if you have to pay the necessary fees and deduct your income, you must file a tax report at the ward office of your current residence before March 31, 1. If you need information, please refer to the following information. Arikan citizen...
011Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」English

Information on Vaccinations

You can check the schedule of vaccinations available in Japan in multiple languages.The schedule currently posted is the...
011Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」English

Income Declaration for Municipal Tax and Prefectural Tax

The amount of Municipal Tax and Prefectural Tax you will pay in 2022 will be determined by your income for the year from...
014Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Easy Japanese

About vaccination

You can see the vaccination schedule for April 2021, which you can receive in Japan, in 4 words. Please take a look at his homepage of ``Let's learn about NPO Hojin VPD and protect children''...
014Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Easy Japanese

Municipal tax / prefectural tax declaration (= procedure)

Resident tax and prefectural tax will be paid in 2022. Citizen tax and prefectural tax will be paid on income for one year from the first day of January 2021 to the 1st day of December 1. It's decided. About 2021 Year's Income Shotoku 12...
013Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Spanish

Ejemplo de consultas reales: Quiero hacerme el examen de PCR, ¿ como se hace?

Pregunta Quiero consultar en portugués. Me siento mal, tengo fiebre y me duele la garganta. Quiero hacerme el examen de ...
013Transmitting information in multiple languages「よこyoko」Spanish

Club Infantil después de las clases escolares “HOKAGO KIDS CLUB”

Los/las ...