June is Environment Month.

Let’s start living in an environmentally friendly way.

Yokohama City aims to decarbonize by 2050 as a goal to combat global warming.
In order to maintain a safe and secure global environment for future generations, each of us needs to take environmentally friendly actions. We can take “environmentally friendly actions” even in our shopping and food choices, which are essential to our daily lives.
How about starting living in an environmentally friendly way by referring to the checklist below?

■When you go shopping
□Make a shopping list and buy only what you can use up.
□Carry your own bag and do not accept plastic bags.
□Do not accept spoons, etc. that you do not need.
□When you go out, drink water from your own bottle

■When you choose food products
□Choose eco-labeled products
□Eat foods produced in Yokohama and taste seasonal foods (less CO2 emissions from transportation)

Inquiries: About Conservation of the Natural Environment
Environmental Planning Bureau, Policy Division
Tel: 045-671-2484 (Japanese) Fax: 045-550-4093