Many garbage-collecting trucks are experiencing smoke and fire problems caused by small household appliances, mobile batteries, electric bicycle batteries, etc.
For small home appliances whose batteries cannot be removed, please dispose of them in a separate bag from food scraps, etc., or place them in a small home appliance collection box.
① If used batteries are placed in the same bag as food scraps, strong pressure may cause them to emit smoke or catch fire during garbage collection.
② Please dispose of batteries in a separate bag from food scraps.

Small Home Appliance Collection Box
For small home appliances measuring less than 30 cm x 15 cm, please place them in one of the pink-colored small home appliance collection boxes at ward offices and other locations. We appreciate your cooperation in recycling!

Small Rechargeable Battery Recycling Box
Please place removable batteries and mobile batteries in the yellow box instead of discarding as burnable trash.

Appliance collection boxes and yellow collection boxes are set up at each ward office, garbage collection office, facilities for citizen’s use (not all facilities), and City Hall.